From the Ultima Online Is Everywhere Department, we have Call of Duty Elite. Word of this came out on Monday and I've been mulling it over. It's a console shooter! That's just Xbox. It's got a fee! Smells like UO. Old UO, in fact; that part of the market seems to be going Free to Play. (On the other hand, Rift and World of Warcraft are doing well with subscriptions.) Anyways, back to CODE: You can form groups! Again, that's a UO thing. You can connect to people and post and share! That's Facebook.
CODE is a Console-MMOG-Facebook mashup: a Frankenworld.
I'm anxiously (dreading) waiting for the day when the facebook suggestion engine makes its way into video games. I'd love (hate?) to see advertising in games for things that I would enjoy. I'd also like for games to creep me out by asking me if i've enjoyed products I purchased from various online retailers.
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Posted by: Nick LaLone | Jun 02, 2011 at 10:35
Wow very intersting, don't think I agree about advertising in games, it could get very annoying.
Posted by: Halo Reach Guide | Jun 04, 2011 at 07:19