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Mar 23, 2011



Talking about glass affordance: it's just me or the "all weather damage resistant glass" at the bus stop screams "smash me"?


Or graffiti me.


Its probably self cleaning, lol.


That video is totally unbelievable. I mean, the guy wakes up one day sleeping on the right side of the bed and goes to sleep the next day on the left side of the bed! No couple does that, totally unbelievable.


Fun - invest in windex. I, too, worry about the 'always on' possibility. Thanks for sharing!


>Every surface a touchscreen. Imagine!

Imagine the germs...

>the ad shows no avatars (well maybe one if you count the shopping), no games, and no porn

In the old days of online services, this was called "Noble content". People justified buying their CompuServe accounts because they wanted to check stock prices and find information that would help their children's education. Then they spent all their time in chat, forums or playing games.

In any case, I wonder where the energy is going to come from that will enable every conceivable flat, hard surface to display crisp computer graphics? And where the heavy metals are going to come from for the electronics? Time to invest in power companies and mining companies, not glass manufacturers...

>Yeah, that's how it will be.

Until we get a HUD on our glasses and can manipulate the virtual objects we see with our hands.

I see what you mean, though. Despite the obvious practical flaws of the world the ad envisions, the chances are that even if this tech were ubiquitously available it wouldn't be used remotely like that. The ad shows present-day activities with a futuristic twist, but doesn't show futuristic activities.



When this will come in the future then everybody needs a lot of glass cleaner. We will see what comes


What do you do if there's a hailstorm?


Why do they have school uniforms in that fabulous future, that's what I want to know.

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