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Dec 09, 2008



save to my Bookmarks :)


Sounds very interesting


Losers. All of them.

In truth, when this event started in 2005 we figured it would be a one-off thing. But the demand was really overwhelming. This year, for the first time, we're going to get rid of the waiting list to get in & expand it to let another 100 in the door (gasp! 450 rather than 325) but we're changing venues which promises to preserve the cosy, small feeling. We want to keep it "boutiquey" but open up the number of voices we hear from.

Anyway, its been a real honor chairing this thing each year & I'd love to see some of the voices here included (esp. industry, which is right now woefully under-represented imho).

FWIW, the title says "Games, Learning & Society" but we emphatically treat learning as a very broad issue (not just classrooms, and not just prescriptive crap) and consider the "society" part, in many ways, the most crucial.



Thanks for getting the CFP up here Thomas!

We're looking forward to an especially awesome conference this year with a whole extra day, and much more flexibility at our new location to accommodate gaming into the wee hours.

For those of you who haven't made it out here before, Madison is pretty awesome during the summer too so get those proposals rolling in =)

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