Inspired by this year's conference in WoW and an appreciation for Second Life discussion groups, some researchers decided to start a weekly seminar meeting in Second Life. So far four meetings have been held, with the fifth and sixth planned. The organizers would like to invite Terra Nova readers to attend the seminars and if they like, present their work.
The format is an informal one-hour meeting, once a week, for VW researchers to discuss problems, methods and results. While the meeting takes place in Second Life, any VW-related topic is suitable. Each week a presenter speaks about their work for part of the hour, then opens the floor to audience discussion. The presenter chooses how long they want to speak for, and the day, time and place of the talk (though lately we seem to have settled on Tuesdays at 2pm SL time). In order to be friendly to all time-zones it is envisaged that this will change week by week. Usually the presenter uses SL voice, and the audience uses text-chat for discussion and questions. As is normal in SL, individual attendees choose whether they want to reveal their RL identity.
Most of the organizing is done via the "SLRL" email list, and seminar details are available at . Previous topics and speakers are listed there. If you'd like more information or are interested in presenting, please email Greg at [email protected] .