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Mar 02, 2008



I'll keep this plain and simple this time:

Happy Birthday! :P


As I twittered :) Happy Birthday :-)
I think we all end up doing this at some point. On a daily basis I feel re-affirmed in some way by someone noticing something I had done, created, contributed etc and then commented (however small).
Kids count birthday cards and presents, the number being a concrete 'score' so it is no surprise that these events played in web2.0 mean something to us.
As we no longer live in physical tribes, but still have the need to give some degree of respect to one another I think this is an example of what appears to be crazy technoloyg actually tapping back into something deeper in us all.
Those that want to count score can, those that are not bothered can still be not bothered. However the people making the wishes of happy birthday are doing it to reaffirm their connection to you.
What we need to do is sort out teleportation then we could all flashmob you a global birthday party.


It's my birthday too. Happy to meet you.


@Kenan Farrell

Happy birthday

Whoa, i need to work out both a reciprocation and 'snap' bonus.



Its being pointed out by a few that I did not post any positive scores. I’m not that much of a curmudgeon, of course there are some – actually sending me wishes on the day, via at least on method etc. The tough one is on the card front. I like cards, but of course they are not very green, so I guess e-cards score higher than physical ones. And you know that HK on anything gets a +5 bonus.

My other top tip for this game is never ever post about it on a blog :)



Obviously you are a written test, and grade on a curve. Is there any reward or penalty for those who pass, or fail?

Hmmm, how easy it is to forget, that "the map is NOT the territory."


Ewww, this sounds suspiciously like a killboard.

What if I'm just a casual well-wisher? Do I still get ranked against the hardcore well-wishers who don't have full-time jobs and do nothing but send out birthday and holiday salutations 24-7? Perhaps there needs to be a sliding scale based on how many hours/week your contacts spend spreading good tidings?


...and what if I wished you a happy birthday but didn't actually post it anywhere? Is there a single player version of this game? :)


>Mikyo says:

>Obviously you are a written test, and grade on a curve

no, other types of input count

>Is there any reward or penalty for those who pass, or fail?

I guess it's my personal social capital map, so it depends on circumstance.


>SVgr says:

>...and what if I wished you a happy birthday but didn't actually post it anywhere? Is there a single player version of this game? :)

Unusually the game is single player in that you play it on your own you just take the data from your interactions with others.

From a tech perspective as I noted, one could actually put some numbers on these things and then do some comparative stuff.


"Unusually the game is single player in that you play it on your own you just take the data from your interactions with others"

ahh, so the age-old question is then answered; It's not the thought that counts, but the e-mail/card/text message/voice mail/singing telegram/etc which really count. The thought doesn't score any points at all. :(

Happy B-day

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