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Nov 11, 2007



Ahahaha <3 VCBees

One of my alts was a VCBee

The VC Bees have a funny little story behind them. Back when the Band of Brothers first attacked Goonfleet, we where a far weaker alliance, and generally more closer to the 'newbie blob' of legend than we are now.

At the point we had come out a fairly brutal meatgrinder of a war with D2 and somewhat injured and messed up due a leadership row within the goons as well.

So BOB (purportedly due to an ingame insult not worth repeating here) attacked our homeland, and we sort of where left wondering what to do.

We figured the best response, was in effect no response. Bore BOB into leaving. So we created an alt corp, the "VCBees" (The hint is that bees have always been the goons symbol) and hit empire on a crazy role play.

The role play was that we where sort of a group of bees raised by the goons to defend the mother land of S-U, displaced and confused, the bees hit empire to round up missiles to defend the hive. The bees couldn't decide if they where "Viet Cong" bees or "Victory Crusade" bees or so on, and to get around Empires rules, instead of shooting, we'd bump people in our ships with the trademark "Giev missl or bump?"

Occasionally we'd do suicide ganks on haulers, but generally it was more for pure entertainment purposes. Just to be outrageous and confusing , as the goons oft like to be.

Most of EVEs populous found the scenario deeply amusing, and we in fact had many non goons join in with bees of their own. If any thing it was a bit like the GENO "invasion" of habo hotel. A strange strange role play designed to elicit confusion and amusement from the host population. Some found it deeply annoying.

In the end BOB got bored and left syndicate/S-U and we all got back on our mains and went home to rebuild.


Oh yeah. the money values there , 50isk is far less than almost any item in the game. The humor there is that 50isk wont buy anything. It was really just deliberately pointless piracy. Actually making money out of it would of defeated the purpose.


>Who's alt are you anyway?

I'm the alt of someone who can spell "whose".

Sorry, it's Monday morning...



It might be interesting to know that alts in industrial corps are viewed a bit differently. In my experience they're often used for comic relief and are viewed mostly as second-class citizens.

Our male CEO for example has a female alt, presumably modelled after his pet cat. She's a combat specialist with a very short fuse, often leading to amusing conversations in corp chat.

Another corp member even made his alt fall in love with her, leading to some very entertaining social drama, as she refused to have anything to do with him. The 'relation' soon turned a bit hostile; the male alt making improper comments like "yyyyyy slaps xxxxxx on the butt as he leaves station". Such comments being retaliated with a threatening of his manlyhood, either literally or figuratively. (Remember that she is the combat specialist.)

Alts in industrial corps are often used in the first 4 ways described in this article, and are therefor viewed more like tools of the main than as proper characters in their own right.


One more important role for an alt on the same account as your main in eve: Eve characters have a funny habbit of getting "stuck" in certain parts of the game. I have an alt who serves no other purpose than to file help requests in-game whenever my main gets stuck and is inaccessable.

On the subject of alts, I refer to myself as a "purist" when it comes to alts. I prefer to have just one online persona and I grind through the skills needed to make that one character capable of performing all the tasks. This leads to some interresting points in regard to the social aspect of the game, and the effect alts can have. Many people in my corp use pairs of characters on different accounts to work together as their own little team (eg. Miner & Hauler, or Mission Runner & Salvager). My decision to use only one character makes me more likely to team up with other players when doing things like marathon mining ops or very difficult missions which may take alot longer with just one character.

I think I'm also more likely to be cautious about my character's actions because there's not a second account for me to change to if I end up in trouble. As such, I take pride in the fact that I work harder to achieve the same goals as others. I savor every skill point because I had to make the hard choice of what is most important to train next.

To the contrary, I know someone who runs three, yes three, paid accounts for a total of 9 characters. Although we are very close, long-term in-game friends, I only know the identy of 3 of them. Our corp mates know of only two of them. Talk about paranoid... jeesh. To me that seems extreme, but I wonder how many people do that? It's possible to let one account go inactive while training a skill that takes more than a month, so I'm sure there are people who juggle a number of accounts. When I see corp-mates who are online and offline for weeks or months at a time, it makes me wonder if they could be doing something of that sort.


CCP has released a sort of manifesto on player and consumer rights in their world. Download pdf here


This thing needs a thread of its own:

CCP waxing word salad on Deliberative democracy and CCPs plan for player run governance of the game.


Haven't had time to fully read it yet.


Your comparison of Eve-Online to an ecosystem is compelling, and from what I understand, sounds accurate from your description. Probably not a novel question but: to the extent that you consider Eve-Online and ecosystems similar, would it be possible for Eve-Online players to borrow 'strategies' techniques from organisms in ecosystems? Or for Eve-Online to contribute to our understanding of how ecosystems work? (I'm especially thinking of Sorin Sonea's work on bacteria as a superorganism.)


I read the pdf document. It seems to feed back into this recent topic:

Do virtual worlds liberate us?
Ren Reynolds

At least, when I saw the word "liberate", I took it in the form of player rights, responsibilities, and governance, which this EVE document seems to primarily address.

The pdf includes a bibliography linking to four of Ren Reynolds essays, as well. Nice cross fertilization there; it's nice to see that game designers for the larger commercial worlds read from the works of distinguished Terranovians.


A lot of player stories from EVE Online can be found on my website http://www.eve-pirate.com


Your description of piracy is flawed, as i have been a straight pirate from 2003 to current (april 08 as of writing) And the purpose of pirating is "Not to extract ransom" but to "Extract maximum profit while keeping honor intact"

IT may be either more profitable to ransom, or more profitable to kill and take their items. You may think honor is not an essential characteristic of a pirate, but it is. If you fail to keep your word, no one will ever make deals with you again, and making deals is a big part of what it is to be a pirate.


@ Benglada (EVE-O)

Thank you, you are right - my description of piracy is too restrictive (requiring ransom counts only). However, the motivation for doing so was to avoid having to characterize others who destroy shipping but are not pirates. While the requirement for ransom might omit many pirates/piracy from the count, I thought it would reduce the false-positive count. As you note "honor" is an important element of pirate culture - and I think the need for this is best demonstrated by ransom transactions (if victim doesn't trust you will honor the terms...).

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