Although one could view it cynically as an effort to extend their reach, the Writer's Guild of America has announced their first videogame writing awards will be presented next February. If nothing else, this is an indication that it's a sufficiently significant portion of today's new literature that the guild wants a piece of the action. We'll have to see how VWs fare among other videogames.
(Also see Google News, Kotaku, GamerNode, and joystiq.)
Hate to harp on this, but I don't think that the writing in VW's comes anywhere close to a professional level. On the other hand, I just played through the Orange Box and I'm in complete awe. I feel the overwhelming urge to genuflect in the general direction of Valve's corporate headquarters.
Is the WGA being cynical? Maybe, but the Orange Box proves to me that video games can rise to the level of at least a very good movie or book. Regardless of the WG's motivation I think products like the Orange Box genuinely deserve recognition, although I can't think of anything else in the PC genre that comes even close.
Posted by: lewy | Oct 13, 2007 at 05:42
There is clearly a type difference between the generic VW and the generic computer/video game in terms of writing. But I that aside, the point is significant.
The WGA is taking the advice of Deep Throat (the source, not the movie...), but that's only natural. I think it is a date point worth noting.
Posted by: Tripp | Oct 18, 2007 at 14:57
Herald with greetings!
Posted by: Wrazwal | Jan 09, 2008 at 03:14
Herald with greetings!
Posted by: Wrazwal | Jan 09, 2008 at 03:14
As you can see from the writers' guild site they give out rewards for all kinds of different things, including TV and radio news programs. People can laugh at the writing in video games, but there are certainly quite a few examples of video games that are written better than the everage TV news broadcast.
Posted by: SVgr | Jan 09, 2008 at 08:27
It's better to be an authentic loser than a false success, and to die alive than to live dead.
Posted by: Celic | Oct 22, 2008 at 23:49