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Dec 29, 2006



I noticed that it just barely beats out The Realm Online by several weeks. Interesting to see how long it's managed to last for; I suspect that's a result of the lack of other games targeted at the same audience.


Well, there's been one very noteworthy and successful competitor in our space the last few years - Second Life. But we're still growing every year, thank goodness. I suspect a lot of people don't think of us as a "user created content, virtual economy, community, freeform roleplaying and socializing scriptable environment" because we made all the avatars furries. So they think "Oh it's just some kind of furry game". I dunno. (It is interesting that a pretty high percentage of Second Life is furries too, but of course they have plenty of humans.)

I think the main thing that got us to ten was just rugged determination. But we have been profitable since we started charging for stuff in 1999, which doesn't hurt either.

By the way - now that we're ten, any chance of someone adding us to the list of "Some Virtual Worlds" linked on the left hand side of the page? I promise all sorts of things highly interesting to academia have happened in the last ten years, and probably will continue to. Or should I just ask again when we turn 20?

(I will, you know!)


Dr Cat > By the way - now that we're ten, any chance of someone adding us to the list of "Some Virtual Worlds" linked on the left hand side of the page?


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