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Sep 23, 2006



I don't think so. I think minmaxing is just a person trying to do the best they possibly can at "the game" of the world.

Of course this probably doesn't apply to a first-time gamer. They would be more likely to experiment, IMHO, to see what works best. And of course an Explorer type is going to do that anyway.



I don't think so. I think minmaxing is just a person trying to do the best they possibly can at "the game" of the world.

To play with this. I don't think this is inconsistent with a "what-ifing" process to learn to better an understanding of the UI mediated world one is engaged in.

For example, in in current Red Orchestra experiment I find myself constantly reworking the keyboard around new tactics and ideas I might develop to improve my game. Then I might go and practice on bots as part of an evaluation process. Sure, the goal is to develop an edge (or rather in my case, just to get to parity :). But it is done through a process of exploration based on hypothesis testing.

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