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Mar 23, 2006



Another brilliant extension of the Daedalus Project, Nick. I've become convinced that guild leadership within MMOs is going to gradually produce a generation of leaders who have had small-group leadership at a younger age than we've traditionally expected over the last 70 years. With the exception of the military, which has traditionally cultivated younger leaders (out of necessity, if nothing else), I'm not convinced that we've seen an arena like the MMO guild where a 14 or 15-year-old can start their own group and then learn and experiment with the challenges of setting a common goal and then executing it. The most telling and intriguing comment was the post on from the 24-year-old who attributed the improvement in his RL career arc to the awarenesses that guild leadership brought. I wonder how long it will be before the awareness of this sort of leadership training will filter into corporate HR hiring questions - at first blush it seems preposterous, but then you play WoW with the 52-year-old executive from Austin, and think, well, maybe it won't be so long.


Whoops. Really should learn to close that A tag...


Eric, I don't think so.
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