In my mind, Mike deserves credits at the level of a Bartle for his role as lead design in the first 3D graphical MUD, Meridian 59 (which lives on under the direction of frequent commenter Brian Green). Consistent with that start, Mike went on to found and direct a number of projects in the industry, and has to be counted among the elite when it comes to both theoretical and hands-on understanding of the strange thing we're all studying. His most recent work on believable AI is likely IMHO to create yet another singularity in this space; the immersive quality made a discontinuous leap when 3D came about, and it will do so again when NPCs begin to acquire credible social and emotive behaviors. Mike's also got a crafting focus in interfaces, and has degrees in cognitive science as well as AI.
We're very lucky to have people like Mr. Sellers, people with actual talent and experience, continue to join our happy band. I increasingly feel that Greg, Dan, Julian and I are playing the role of stone to the fine soup that's being brewed here. Welcome Mike!
And so as not to miss out on Richard's "Which TNer" quiz, we might ask everyone to guess which of the following things Mike Sellers has NOT done:
Mike Sellers never did which of the following:
- ridden an elephant
- body-surfed in a typhoon
- played an extra in "Apocalypse Now"
- had six kids (and several family members in the games industry)
- eaten dog and deep-fried beetle
- been a circus roustabout (for one long stinking day)
- defended others against real pirates
- created a practical joke that culminated in catapulting a sheep's brain at someone
- terminated a romantic relationship with a roundhouse kick to the head, a la Chuck Norris, whose #1 export is pain
I would guess the Chuck Norris one, but I'm afraid that even saying that name out loud might result in him killing me with a sonic-boom flying kick.
Welcome, Mike!
Posted by: Dmitri Williams | Dec 21, 2005 at 14:54
I had no idea Mike was associated with M59. Awesome, and I don't think it's fair to say "welcome", since he's been here since forever. "Hooray!" is my choice of exclamation.
Posted by: Michael Chui | Dec 21, 2005 at 15:17
To the authors list with you!
Posted by: Daniel Speed | Dec 21, 2005 at 15:22
Yay! New writers is always a good thing!
Posted by: Mike "Salvator" Sherman | Dec 21, 2005 at 19:00
This makes a great site even better. Good call, TerraNovans! (I'm voting for the "Apocalypse Now" bit being the phony item.)
Posted by: Corey Bridges | Dec 21, 2005 at 19:57
"Mike Sellers never did which of the following:"
-Actually design Meridian 59
Posted by: Chris Kirmse | Dec 21, 2005 at 22:20
Congrats Mike!
Posted by: Matt Mihaly | Dec 21, 2005 at 23:36
Mike's experience, intelligence and insight make for very interesting posts (and conversation) about the boundaries of the virtual world universe.
A fine addition!
Posted by: BridgetAG | Dec 21, 2005 at 23:52
Edward Castronova>Mike deserves credits at the level of a Bartle
Hmph! No sooner has the poor guy signed up than you start insulting him!
Posted by: Richard Bartle | Dec 22, 2005 at 05:31
Grats, Mikey. 'Bout time, too.
Posted by: galiel | Dec 26, 2005 at 23:22
Excellent choice -- a master games alchemist...
Posted by: Charles Cameron | Dec 30, 2005 at 01:58