Its a busy time. Besides SOP III and Internet Generations, the 6th International and Interdisciplinary Conference of the Association of Internet Researcher is meeting in Chicago...
I highlighted below a few of the MMO/Online game related presentations at AOIR 6.0. Be forewarned that there are many more related papers. Peruse for yourself and feel free (and encouraged) to add and expand in comments.
Note, I absolutely did not cite Dmitri's presentation because of an association with this weblog... Absolutely! Fire away.
James Barry, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Gamers in Motion:A Study of Online Gamer "Guild" Migrations
Florence Chee, School of Communication, Simon Fraser University
Richard Smith, School of Communication, Simon Fraser University
Online gamers and the ambiguity of community: Korean definitions of togetherness for a new generation.
Mia Consalvo, School of Telecommunications/Ohio University
A Mage’s Chronicle: Cheating and Life in Vana ‘diel
Alexander Halavais, School of Informatics, University at Buffalo
Stephan Delpiano, Media Studies, University at Buffalo
Chheng-Hong Ho, School of Informatics, University at Buffalo
Kevin Lim, School of Informatics, University at Buffalo
Yon Soo Lim, School of Informatics, University at Buffalo
Sarah Whitehead, School of Informatics, University at Buffalo
Playing Myself : The persistence of self-image in MMOGs
Yon Soo Lim, SUNY at Buffalo
The Game System and Real Culture: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Online Forums on MMOGs
Helga Tawil, Dept of Culture & Comm, New York University
From Real to Virtual Conflict: Palestinian Kids and On-line Games
The Influence of Place on the virtual "3rd Place"
Vincent Pham
Can You Hear Me Now? The Impact of Voice on Internet Communities
Dmitri Williams
Scott Caplan, Communication, University of Delaware
Leo Xiong, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Institute for Communication Research
Speaking of SOP, many of us in the Second Life community are wondering who won the architecture contest? The winners were supposed to win tickets to the conference, but as far as we can tell, no one's been announced as the winner yet...
So who won?
Posted by: Lordfly | Oct 07, 2005 at 09:31
Really wanted to read Helga Tawil's paper. Anywhere I can access it?
Posted by: Kara | Oct 24, 2006 at 21:43