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Sep 02, 2005



What do people think about the workshop format SoP is adopting this year? Personally, I'd like to go to all three workshops, and am kinda glad that I was just assigned to one so I wouldn't have to decide which one to attend.



I hope you forgive me the spam, but the 1st Second Life Community Convention will be held at the NYLS at the same time as the SoP - so that people may attend both events if they wish.

Unusual for this "convention" is its focus on community building in virtual worlds - and not the usual "fandom-gathering" - as well as being a convention done simultaneously both in the real world as in the virtual world. There will be two-way video communication from NYC into the virtual world of Second Life and vice-versa. So, you may attend both physically or virtually - and still participate, even to the point of putting questions to the speakers. It may be interesting to watch!

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