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Aug 15, 2005



Good talk, Richard.



Bravo to you, Ren, for boiling that down. It was nearly impossible to follow at times if you were there. Nice job.


Mark > It was nearly impossible to follow at times if you were there.

I know. I'm staggered that Richard coped so well, it was text hell in there and, as far as i am aware he's not a hard core SLer - or mb he is,,,,


BTW, Prof. Bartle, if you were serious about dropping an info-dump in the text window I'm sure I can find a home for that. :D


SNOOPYbrown Zamboni: richard have you looked at steven johnson's Everything Bad Is Good for You?

Richard Bartle: No I haven't looked at that. people have said it's good, therefore under its own logic it should be bad

No! No! No! No!


ren wrote:

> I know. I'm staggered that Richard coped so well, it was text hell in there and, as far as i am aware he's not a hard core SLer - or mb he is,,,,

Any effective administrator needs to be able to follow multiple threads of conversation. I'm sure Richard has been this long enough to keep up with complex discussions with multiple threads and participants. I have to be able to follow multiple conversations, because I get mobbed when I'm on my own game. :)


Vrykromond, putting aside Richard was joking, that would be a logical fallacy of denying the antecedent. *chuckles*

Richard withstood some heavy questions from a lot of people and came out just fine. I'm impressed.


Dunno why the trackback didn't kick in, but my own NWN spin on Bartle's talk (with some fascinating Resident commentary) is linked in my name below.


Just got back from my holidays, so I couldn't comment on this earlier.

I suppose it's too late now to mention that the following line was said by Mechanique Thirty, not me?

"It was due to virtual experimentation that I was able to come out to myself about my gender issues, and change my RL self into someone I like a lot better. needless to say, they're right".

It gave my wife a laugh, anyway...



When I looked at the original I realised that Mechanique Thirty’s comment has ‘Richard’ in the middle of it, and it starts a new line, so I accidentally parsed it as a Richard comment.

I guess it’s a good one for the things I never actually said file.

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