Wagner James Au aka Hamlet Linden writes:
Happy holidays, all. Thought you'd be interested in my ongoing wrap-up of the year in New World Notes, with all '04 stories archived into a dozen-plus entries, this week. Of particular interest for TN readers, I suspect, will be the compilations of stories on sex, politics, religion, and money.And also "A Lever to Move the Civic-Minded", stories covering Second Life as a teaching and therepeutic tool, a place for benefitting real-world non-profits, and so on.
At first I thought I should be offended that he believes that I'm particularly interested in sex and money. And then I realized he was talking about you, Gentle Reader...
Dan > At first I thought I should be offended that he believes that I'm particularly interested in sex and money.
Actually I think that the memo was for me :)
Posted by: ren | Dec 31, 2004 at 06:18
Another woman, or female-sounding pseudonym for a man?
Posted by: Ronjohn | Dec 31, 2004 at 21:18
Thanks for the heads up, Hamlet. It's hard not to notice the greater number of stories related to politics. Is this a reflection of the SL community's greater-than-usual interest in this topic in an election year, or a reflection of your personal interest resulting in greater coverage of political events? Perhaps a combination of both?
Looking forward to more NWN in 2005.
Posted by: Betsy Book | Jan 02, 2005 at 11:24
> a combination of both
I'd say that! I am a politics/current events geek, and at the same time, I do find political expression in Second Life a fascinating theme to explore. On the other hand (and I mentioned this at my SOPII talk), I don't want NWN to leave the impression that most SL residents are actively engaged in a heated political debate in 3D most of them time. In any case, now that the election is over, I do suspect the rate of in-world political expression will wane, in coming months. (Then again, ya never know.)
Posted by: Hamlet Linden | Jan 02, 2005 at 15:48