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Oct 30, 2004



New World Notes is... www.secondlife.blogs.com/nwn

and I am


Thanks for the streamcasts on the SOP II website.

BTW, the SOP-like Korean workshop will be held at Seoul in november 13. 2004.

The workshop, sponsored by Seoul National University(http://www.clt.re.kr/) explores the legal issues of MMORPGs.

******************* Program *******************

Time: Nov. 13. 2004
Place: Koex Intercontinental Hotel, Seoul
Supported:Korea Telecom

▶PM 15:00 - 16:30 presentation

1) Jinwhan Park (CEO, Neowiz.com): “The present position & problems of MMOGs"

2) Sunggi Hwang (prof. Hanlim lawschool): “The Content Rating of MMORPGs"

3) Kwanghyun Lyu (Lawyer,Bae,Kim&Lee): “IP & MMORPGs”

4) Kangjin Baek (Judge, Seuol High court): "The Legal responsibility of MMORPG service providers"

▶16:30 coffee break

▶16:50 -18:00 presentation

5) Unggi Yoon(Judge, Busan District court): Legal Postion of In-game items & the Unfairness of the EULA banning Ebaying"

6) Soonjung Kwon (Public Prosecutor, Seoul District PPO):“Cybercrime in MMOGs”

Discussion Panel:

Kyungsik Chang(Information Communication Ethics Committee, http://www.icec.or.kr/)

MinKyu Kim (Korean Game Developement Institute, http://www.gameinfinity.or.kr/)

Wonhak Kim (lawyer, Program Deliberation & Mediation Committee, http://www.pdmc.or.kr)

▶18:00 supper


>SOP-like Korean workshop will be held at Seoul in november 13. 2004
What language will the event be in?
Will any materials / streams be online during / after the event?


Dear Reynolds

Only Korean language will be in the event.
Unfortunately,there will be no English version.

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