Live-blogging from the State of Play II can also be found at Grand Text Auto, Thinking With My Fingers, Second Life Herald, Habitat Chronicles, Susan Crawford's blog, some news stories, Crescat Sententia, New World Notes, and Alphaville Gazette. If people are aware of more sites, please add to the comments.
If you want the raw data, there are actually streamcasts currently available on the SOP II website.
New World Notes is...
and I am
Posted by: Ian Schwartz | Oct 30, 2004 at 16:12
Thanks for the streamcasts on the SOP II website.
BTW, the SOP-like Korean workshop will be held at Seoul in november 13. 2004.
The workshop, sponsored by Seoul National University( explores the legal issues of MMORPGs.
******************* Program *******************
Time: Nov. 13. 2004
Place: Koex Intercontinental Hotel, Seoul
Supported:Korea Telecom
▶PM 15:00 - 16:30 presentation
1) Jinwhan Park (CEO, “The present position & problems of MMOGs"
2) Sunggi Hwang (prof. Hanlim lawschool): “The Content Rating of MMORPGs"
3) Kwanghyun Lyu (Lawyer,Bae,Kim&Lee): “IP & MMORPGs”
4) Kangjin Baek (Judge, Seuol High court): "The Legal responsibility of MMORPG service providers"
▶16:30 coffee break
▶16:50 -18:00 presentation
5) Unggi Yoon(Judge, Busan District court): Legal Postion of In-game items & the Unfairness of the EULA banning Ebaying"
6) Soonjung Kwon (Public Prosecutor, Seoul District PPO):“Cybercrime in MMOGs”
Discussion Panel:
Kyungsik Chang(Information Communication Ethics Committee,
MinKyu Kim (Korean Game Developement Institute,
Wonhak Kim (lawyer, Program Deliberation & Mediation Committee,
▶18:00 supper
Posted by: Unggi Yoon | Oct 31, 2004 at 05:33
>SOP-like Korean workshop will be held at Seoul in november 13. 2004
What language will the event be in?
Will any materials / streams be online during / after the event?
Posted by: ren | Oct 31, 2004 at 07:47
Dear Reynolds
Only Korean language will be in the event.
Unfortunately,there will be no English version.
Posted by: Unggi Yoon | Oct 31, 2004 at 20:38