Hi everyone. Just wanted to post an announcement for a symposium - Community Work: Managing Multiplayer Culture - we are hosting here at the Center on May 21. We'll be having a day-long event on the subject of community management in games and are incredibly lucky to have a terrific panel of speakers - Richard Bartle, Edward Castronova, Julian Dibbell, and Jessica Mulligan. The full details and program can be found at the website. Registration is free but required by May 14.
I'll also just note quickly the symposium dovetails as the third day of a PhD course here, Game Culture (details also online) which runs May 19-21. Jessica Mulligan will be a guest speaker on day two of that as well. Applications for the course are due by April 19. Feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions!
Whoa. Terra Novans, will you be blogging this for those of us who can't make the trip across the pond? Pretty please?
Posted by: Betsy Book | Apr 02, 2004 at 13:16