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Mar 23, 2004



Funny - people have been designing high quality games for years without some sort of specialized degree.... why do we need one now?


Sourtone>people have been designing high quality games for years without some sort of specialized degree

You're right, they have.

More useful would be a course on how they might get their well-designed games published.



"The _lovely_ Beth Noveck?"

Watch out Dan, some might think you are sexist. :-)

Otherwise, I can't wait to see how you describe me when you blog about my next paper. :-)



The simple answer is, because someone can make money off these courses.

The long answer is, because someone can make money off it and it's specifically the person taking the courses :-P


Rich>>More useful would be a course on how they might get their well-designed games published.

Oh what I wouldn't give to find a couple venture capitalists that have to much money and a love of games..... (and like my designs)


F. Randall Farmer>I can't wait to see how you describe me when you blog about my next paper

Just so long as it's not "the Randy Farmer".

[American readers seeking an explanation should look here]



Randy, you're the "lovely and randy etc etc".

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