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Feb 11, 2004



I didn't say much at the roundtable on account of how it wasn't really my place to comment on ways to improve democracy in a country I was visiting as a guest.

I would like to say, however, that I was hugely impressed that Neil Eisner and Oscar Morales were willing to sit down with a bunch of game designers (and researchers interested in game design) to ask our opinions. I can't conceive of this happening in the UK at present, nor for years to come - if ever. If it did, the game designers would actually be heads of game development companies, heads of organisations of game development companies, the head of whatever division BT has at the moment working on what they think are games, and perhaps some economics professor specialising in "game theory". No way would they talk to the people who actually design games.

Be proud, America. At least you get a discussion for your technology media to mischaracterise.



Richard> Be proud, America. At least you get a discussion for your technology media to mischaracterise.

I love when one of Richard's posts makes me laugh out loud at my desk. Something about the British sense of humor that at times come through perfectly in the written word.


BTW, it's "pwned". The o is silent.


Scott> BTW, it's "pwned". The o is silent.

Sheesh. Next thing I know people will be question my 133tness.


u just got powned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I wish you great success, good luck and a lot of fun for the future. Maybe one day you will really be the best of all.

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