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Nov 22, 2003



/join eqrm once in and send a tell to nafu or ludoo if you need any help


Well that was insane !
Good to see you all there, who ever you were - it was you lot wasn't it ?
I was Renss btw.


Thanks to everyone who came out tonight - it was a kick :) At the peak I think we had around 18 people from several countries which is pretty cool. Between the races and the multiple deaths (it wouldn't be EQ without CRs!) it was a lot of fun. Heh, I won't name names but suffice to say that one of our very own TN folks probably took the prize for drunken-dwarfness. I want to especially thank Micke Jakobsson for all his help getting stuff ready this afternoon - buying up loads of ale is a two person job! Anyway, if people want to send me their screenshots I will put up a collection (URL to be announced) as a way of distributing. Once again, great to see folks in-game and maybe we can make the rounds to other worlds in the future :)


Guild Name Submission:

Short But Smart
Have Theory, Will Travel
Don't Ask, Won't Tell
Will Research For Food
Terra Norrath
Study THIS!
It's Not Play, It's Research
Blog Brigands
Avatars and Personas and Characters, Oh My!
Emergent Collective Mayhem
Desperately Seeking Immersion
All the Virtual World's a Stage
Kaladim University Faculty Club
I'll Start Grading After This Next Kill
Got Research?
This All Goes in the Paper

I spy a guildleader right above me.


Scholae Inebriae
Masters of Rejection
Digra Lite
Ludicide (Julian's suggestion)
Toyland Doctors


What i forgot to say was a big thanks to TL and Micke for the organization.

>18 people from several countries
I think we were pretty darn global: Denmark, Canada, US, UK, Sweeden..
there must have been more countries too, and probably a fairly wide disciplinary spread too

Same time next week ?



A complete blast. Excellently organized, TL (and MJ!).
But I must say I'm completely shocked that you would add gnome poison to my ale, just to keep me out of the race (and I have screenshots to prove it, this is a scandal).
Let's very much do this again In Other Worlds.


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