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Oct 23, 2003



Warhammer Online!

I must see what those whacko Brits are up to now.

I love the world of Fantasy Battle. It's such a delicious mix of the voluptuous and the gritty. The question is, can we get enough true fans of that together to try to recreate it in vituousity... err, virtuality. When it comes to trashy fantasy novels, the Warhammer ones are the best. Okay, as an accredited critic I must rephrase that: What one expects to be trashy turns out to be self-consciously parodic in the vein of Monty Python. The foolishness rises, if briefly, to a level that winks in the direction of Lear. Never will they be mainstream, but that does not preclude them from being great fun, even to a sophisticated reader (or especially to).

Who me, drunk? Only on the wild dream that such a world might be brought to life!

And with trees! (I like trees.)

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