Terra Nova
is a weblog about virtual worlds. Virtual Worlds are also known as synthetics worlds, MMOs, MMORPGs, Social Worlds, MUDs, MOOs, and MUSHes. Terra Nova authors include scholars and practitioners from a variety of disciplines.  Additional information about individual authors, contributors, and guests can be found via the hyperlinks on the right hand column of the main page.

Contacting us: To contact Terra Nova, please send an e-mail message to terranova -at- roaringshrimp -dot- com. (And be sure to use the appropriate typographic symbols for "-at-" and "-dot-").  Please do not put us on your general organizational PR lists unless you really want to annoy us.

Guest authors: We like to have guest authors, especially those who contribute new voices and perspectives to the blog. We prefer authors who have either published scholarship relevant to virtual worlds or are currently engaged professionally in the design of virtual worlds.  If that sounds like you, please contact Terra Nova at the email address above.

History: Terra Nova has been around since September 2003. You can find our full archives here, and our first month of posts here.  The weblog was founded by:

Edward Castronova
Associate Professor of Telecommunications, Indiana University

Julian Dibbell
Author of My Tiny Life and Play Money

Dan Hunter
Professor of Legal Studies, Wharton

Greg Lastowka
Assistant Professor of Law, Rutgers University School of Law (Camden)

The Terra Nova (Latin for Newfoundland) was built in 1884 for the Dundee whaling and sealing fleet. She worked for 10 years in the annual seal fishery in the Labrador Sea proving her worth for many years before she was called upon for expedition work. Terra Nova was ideally suited to the polar regions. Her first work in the cause of science was as a relief ship for the Jackson-Harmsworth Arctic Expedition of 1894-1897. In 1903, she sailed in company with fellow ex-whaler Morning to assist in freeing from McMurdo Sound the National Antarctic Expedition's Discovery, under Commander Robert Falcon Scott.

(information courtesy of Wikipedia)

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